Amla is one of the most often used herbs in ayurveda. It is a powerful rejuvenating herb. The Amla fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C than any other naturally occurring substance in nature. Amla is a natural efficacious and this is an antioxidant with the richest natural source of Vitamin C. The fruit contains the highest amount of Vitamin C in natural form and cytokine like substances identified as zeatin, z. riboside and z.nucleotide. Its fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic and laxative.
The dried fruit is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It is antibacterial and its astringent properties prevent infection and help in the healing of ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles. It is used in the treatment of leucorrhea and artherosclerosis. Amla is also known as Indian Gooseberry. It has one of the richest concentrations of natural vitamin C of any edible plants on this planet.
Health Supplement
Amla is a gift of nature to mankind. As because of its benefits it is used from decades and an indispensable part of the ayurvedic and unanai medicine. It contains the Vitamins 20 times more than orange.
Nutritional value-The fresh fruit contains more than 80% of water besides protein, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins Minerals and vitamins mainly include calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, Vitamin C and B complex. It also contains Gallic acid, which is a potent polyphenol.
Benefits of amla- Amla is a strong rejuvenates and it balances the stomach acids. It is helpful in absorption of food. Amla is an anti-oxidant, which prevents premature aging. It provides strength to lungs. It acts as a coolant. As it is a good source of vitamin C so it is used to treat eyesight. Amla prevents premature graying and falling of hair. Amla also helps in maintaining body weight due to its richness in nutrients.
Amla is very good for treatment of scurvy. It is useful to prevent respiratory disorders. Amla is used to treat hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It stops premature graying or hair-loss encourages nail and hair growth, improves eyesight, cleanses the mouth, and nourishes the teeth and bones. It also cleanses the intestine and regulates blood sugar. It prevents indigestion and controls acidity. It is also good to lower the cholesterol level.
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